2016. július 9., szombat

AC, heating, fresh air system

Every unit was taken apart, cleaned, lubricated.

One motor was found to be faulty. It was replaced.

The front heat exchanger was damaged by the accident. Despite our best efforts to save it, it needed to be replaced.

All ac tubes were replaced to cope with modern ac gas.

Rear suspension, handbrake, front oil cooler

After waiting for the handbrake parts for a long-long time, they arrived, so the rear suspension could be finalzed.

We also went on with the oil lines and the new front oil cooler.

We also used a new oil thermostat unit.


The old wiring was in correct condition, though many details needed to be fixed.

I did not liked the fuse box. After a bit of research I have found a good solution. it is on its way from the USA.

The gauges only needed a good clean and a lick of paint.

Despite we bought new aftermarket lamps, finally we went on with rebuilding the originals. The quality was far superior.

Engine startup!

We always start the engine on a crane. It is much easier to deal with oil leaks and other problem while engine is outside.

This time the subframe is a bit more complicated than usually.

Last minute trouble: an engine mount gave up while standing still :-o.
Thankfully no harm to the engine.

The transmission got new bearings, seals.

Intake manifolds and wiring loom rebuild

After a good cleaning it turned out that nearly all intake manifolds are cracked. It cannot be used like that. Fortunately they were repairable.

First we cut the cracks out as deep as the went.

Used a special heat resistant 2k epoxy glue (Autoveld) to fill up the valleys.

Finally restored the mating surfaces.

Next we had some problems with the gaskets. ŰOn the top is the original, under it the new.

Later we made aour own version, to heat shield the intake manifolds.

With thi wiring, we went to extremes, using the best possible materials. We dont want it to fail.

Engine build 9.

We went on with bolting on the parts, until...

...the wiring loom came in the view. Unfortunately it was badly hardened by the many heat cycles the engine had seen. It needed a rebuild. just like the intake manifolds. I will post on them later.

Finally the air filter and the intercooler went on.

I used the 1st motion shaft to center the new clutch.

A bit of cleaning  for the injectors before building them in.

2016. április 24., vasárnap


The original wastegate was in quite rough condition. It needed quite a bit of work, although we managed to save it.

The valve seat was recut, a crack welded up, and the old bolts removed. I used stainless bolts now, to prevent rust seizure.

Heat distorted the mating surface. 

I skimmed it by hand.

Assembling the unit was a bit tricky, but with the right tools, nothing is impossible :-).