2014. december 28., vasárnap

Problem 2

After removing the cooler cover we found no less than 7 broken cylinder studs :-o. No signs of blowby or oil loss. The engine was obviosly working when the car faced its faith. But with 7 broken cyinder studs out of 24, it would not work. For sure not under boost.
What had happened? We collected the information what we had at hand, and our best idea now is that the car was speeding, the engine was under boost. Whithin theese conditions the engine produces a lot of heat. Hottest it gets are the piston crowns, the valves and the combustion chamber suface. When the car was emergency stopped, and hit something, the engine was cut off imediately. Thus it had no time to dissipiate the heat, soo a heat shock occured. Pistons gave the heat to the cylinders, valves gave the heat to the cylinder heads as a result they all streched. The cylinder studs on the other hand, are not in metalic contact with the cylinders, soo they did not heated up quicly enough, thus not streched equaly to follow the cylinders. And soo they broke.
Maybe the problem was worsened by some overtightening of the bolts. We will never know.

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